Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sunday Night

I am sitting on my couch all by myself watching Sliding Doors (chick flick) with a nice bowl of Che Bap. What is this Che Bap I am speaking of? It's my favorite Vietnamese dessert of course!! Well to me it's just homemade comfort food. Right now I'm a bit down and this really hits the spot.

Here's how it turned out. I made it myself!

I like to eat it chilled. Sometimes I even put an ice cube in it. But you can eat it warm too. It's creamy and on the thick side. It's not too sweet unless you want it to be. I don't think Asian desserts are very sweet. I love how the tapioca pearls are swimming in my mouth as I chew on the bits of corn. It's fabulous! But people with texture issues might not find this so appealing. I on the other hand love having different textures in my food.

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