Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Attempt #2 and #3 - apple zeppoles

I wanted to make my zeppoles again. It wasn't perfect last time, but was good enough to try again. I was suppose to use cake flour. I used all-purpose flour. So it was time to try again. I couldn't find cake flour, but learned that you can substitute it by adding 2 tablespoons of corn starch to one cup of all-purpose flour.

Attempt #2
Soo I bought my corn starch and was eager to show off my new skills to my skeptical boyfriend. (He really doubts my cooking skills.) I made my batter in his 3 day old mac n' cheese crusty pot. We washed it, of course! While cooking there was a faint, but noticeable mac n' cheese smell. It was pretty unappetizing. I had a feeling it was gonna turn out bad. But I was optimistic.

Well, let me tell you it was just disgusting. We actually ate 3 whole zeppoles. Each time hoping that it would get better. Sadly, it did not. Into the trash it went.

Attempt #3
Today is a new day. I decided - no corn starch. I would add some tapioca starch instead. It actually turned out pretty well. My zeppoles were round and crispy. The first time the batter was too liquidy and could not form a round ball. The tapioca really helped hold the shape. I put in about 1 1/2 tablespoon of tapioca starch.

Here's how my new apple zeppoles turned out:

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