Monday, January 21, 2008

Jazzy Night

Dan bought us tickets to Mark Turner playing at the Jazz Standard located at the Blue Smoke. My first taste of live jazz. I was soo excited.

On our way to the Blue Smoke, I was yapping about the wonderful Anthony Bourdain and how I really wanted to go to his restaurant, Les Halles. As I look up to check the street sign, I was overcomed by intense giddiness. I wave excitedly in the air and said "Dan look Les Halles! Les Halles!" I can't begin to explain how I excited I was. We had to eat there. The thought that I would be in the same place as Anthony was too much for me to handle. Dan humored me and we walked towards Les Halles. It was really lovely. I made Dan promise me to not eat anything at the Blue Smoke, so we could go to Les Halles after the show.

Well, I guess we couldn't resist. We got to Blue Smoke pretty early. The show which is located downstairs at the Jazz standard doesn't start letting people in until 6:30. We had an hour to kill and decided to share an appetizer to calm our roaring tummys. The place was nice. I love the over pillowed bench I was sitting on. The waitress greeted us and told us about a house special - braised beef short ribs in red wine. It wasn't even on the menu. I have to confess that I somewhat kinda dislike barbecue. Wrong place for me to eat. Something about that dark sweet thick sauce bothers me. After staring at the menu and going through all the possibilities we decided to go for the special and share it. It didn't matter to me, since it wasn't my thing.

I admit it was pretty good. If I ever had to eat anything remotely barbecue like, it would have to be this. I preferred the mash potatoes and greens the most. Dan practically drooled on himmself. He ate every gooey morsel of glistening fat that was on the plate.

*Note: The meat was very tender. My knife pierced through it like soft butter. The bones just simply slid off. A meat lover's dream.

It didn't look like we were going to Les Halles. Oh well, I thought. We would save it for another weekend. When we got downstairs to the Jazz Standard, we didn't think we needed any more food. We got a couple of drinks and tried not to think about all the yummy dishes people ordered around us. It took us about 35 min to realize that temptation is stronger than we can ever be. As a waiter passes by, we ask for a menu. We ended up ordering Chipotle chicken wings and a cheeseburger. We were both very dissapointed. What a waste of tummy space?! We should've of known better after years of professional eating.

At least the show was absolutely wonderful!!!~ I truly enjoyed.

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